Visual Mononokei…?

She reminds me of someone...

Admit it, even hardcore Visualists like you and I aren’t too badass to stock Tonari no Totoro on our iPods. Granted it can be a little disturbing when you’re thrashing to The GazettE and suddenly you’re headbanging to “Tonari no To-to-ro to-toooo-roo…You only see him when you’re very young….a magical adventure for youuuu…”. Some of this psychological whiplash may be relieved, however, with the July 21st release of cover album Ghibli Rock.

Although the feel-good classics have been arranged for orchestra, and even Celtic harp, I think we have yet to hear a punk rendition of the Mononoke theme.  Well, it’s coming. The album will feature 9 tracks, all rock’n’roll covers of Ghibli classics. The only artist who has been revealed so far is Nakamori Ayako, of the now-disbanded girl group Nakanomori BAND. Yeah, I’ve never heard of her either.

Oh, right.

Image: Kyo; Kevin Pletcher/